






NAMCO BANDAI Gamesブースレポート
PS3/Xbox 360「ナルティメットストーム2」などアニメ原作ゲームも盛況GAME Watch







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  1. Minbio より:

    can you release the naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm 2 demo please?

    can you show everyone that can proove naruto has sage mode and sasuke has akatsuki mode?

    i appreciate it if you make a scan of it…


  2. Minato より:

    when can we expect the demo for this game? I belong to a infamous Viz forum and we are all getting restless not even knowing when it is coming out? Can we get any information on the demo? And there is serious speculation about Minato Namikaze being in this game. Can we get some information about him as well?

    Thanks in Advance,

    Mr. Namikaze

  3. M-I より:

    Hello !

    I’m a big fan of Naruto, not only the anime or the manga but also the video games, especially the Ultimate Ninja series, I love CC2 and I think they’re do good job, for sure, I’m waiting so much for Naruto Shippuden : Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 :D

    And that’s why I publish this question in your blog dear developpers, I just want to know, me and my french forumeur friends of the website when the demo of this magnificent game will release ?

    And, if it’s possible, we’d like to see new photos and why not a new trailer ” PV “, showing us new arcs of the anime never seen before in the news of the game, I mean the Killer Bee’s arc with the Taka Team, and also the Konoha’s destruction arc (Naruto Sennin).

    Thanks a lot for aswering that =D

  4. Yumisho より:

    Hello !

    I’m a big fan of Naruto, and I like the CC2 video games of this franchise. I wanted to know if the demo of this sublime game would be available in June on XBOX Live and Playstation Store (if possible, the dates for the USA, Europe or Japan release of the demo).

    And I also want to know if Killer Bee is in the game please, is he ? And I also want to know if the future “PV” of this game will be posted on your site or in the V-JUMP site and when ?

    I also want to know if Kabutorochimaru (Kabuto when he has Orochimaru’s genes) is in the game please.

    Thank you answer me as soon as possible.

  5. Stackboy954 より:

    I am a huge fan of Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 and i would like to know if you can make Add ons/Downloadable content for Xbox live and PSN for the game after you guys release it like:

    Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 Story Arc+Character Downloadable Content:

    1. Kakashi Gaiden Arc(Young Kakashi,Obito,Minato)
    2. Five Kage Summit Arc(Raikage,Mizukage,Danzo,Evil Susanoo Sasuke,and Tsuchikage)
    3. Twelve Guardian Ninja Arc(Sora,and Chiriku:the bald guy that was killed by Kakuzu and Hidan for $$$)
    4. Six-Tailed Beast Arc(Utakata)
    5. Three-Tailed Beast Arc(Guren)

    Please make some of them Downlaodable content for the game i like #’s 1,2,and 3 but please make these arcs and characters for the game.

    Thank you very much and please answer me as soon as possible

  6. 6tk Naruto より:

    Hello guys of CC2. I loved the first Narutimate Storm game, I still play it everyday it’s just unbeateable -at least until the release of Narutimate Storm 2, xD- I just wanted to know if you guys are improving the way the Ninjutsus are performed.. I mean, in the first game you had to choose only one of them for using it in the battle. that was fine since it was Naruto Pre-Shippuden and they didn’t get to use that many jutsus in battle, but now in Shippuden if it was kept the same, it would be kind of lame since they always use a lot of different ninjutsus per battle. People should be able to use every ninjutsu in a single battle.

    I would also love to know if you guys are including 6TK Naruto and Killer bee as playable characters. tyvm, I’m waiting for your answer, good luck guys, you’re doing and excellent work there.

  7. Hello guys of CC2. I loved the first Narutimate Storm game, I still play it everyday it’s just unbeateable -at least until the release of Narutimate Storm 2, xD- I just wanted to know if you guys are improving the way the Ninjutsus are performed.. I mean, in the first game you had to choose only one of them for using it in the battle. that was fine since it was Naruto Pre-Shippuden and they didn’t get to use that many jutsus in battle, but now in Shippuden if it was kept the same, it would be kind of lame since they always use a lot of different ninjutsus per battle. People should be able to use every ninjutsu in a single battle.


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