Raid Event Start!

Thank you for playing Shadow Escaper.
The first Raid Event will occur from Friday 24 May 00:00 to Monday 27 May 00:00.

In Raid Events, defeat angels to get Costume Tickets R!
With those tickets, you will be able to unlock Lili's long-awaited Cheerleader costume!

Raid Mode:
Available during Raid Event periods, In a team of 9 members composed mainly of allies, you fight together against powerful bosses. Get special Costume Tickets by defeating a lot of Raid Bosses.

How to play:
1. Play the Escaper Mode during an event period for Raid Gems to appear. Take a Raid Gem to discover a Raid Boss.

2. Select a Raid Boss from the Boss List to start a raid, and attack them during Midnight Revenge with the collected energy.

3. You can join forces with your allies to defeat the Raid Bosses you couldn't defeat alone.

We are constantly working on improving Shadow Escaper and hope you will continue to enjoy playing it.
