株式会社サイバーコネクトツー 販売製品の売上金寄付に関するご報告/Reporting CyberConnect2 Co., Ltd. Donation of Sales Proceeds
【9/5追記】2022年8月22日 セーブ・ザ・チルドレンジャパンから売上金寄付に関する感謝状をいただきました。
【9/5 *new*】On August 22nd 2022, we received a letter of appreciation from Save the Children Japan for the donation of our sales proceeds.
今後も弊社は“もっと面白いものを” “もっと斬新なものを” “もっと楽しませるものを”を追求し続け、たくさんの“面白い”を発信し幸せな気持ちになっていただきたいという高い志を持ち、作品の制作に励んで参ります。
On March 14th 2022, we at CyberConnect2 Co., Ltd. announced that, in light of recent events around the world, we would donate all our sales proceeds to children in need. On March 20th 2022, we successfully made our donation to international NGO Save the Children Japan.
We came to the decision to donate to Save the Children because their efforts to protect the lives and future of children resonated strongly with us. We are pleased to have received support for this donation from over 68 different countries and territories. To those whom provided support, you have our humblest thanks.
We will continue our efforts to pursue and release more interesting, more innovative, and more enjoyable products with the hopes of bringing happiness to others.
We hope that our products can instill joy and courage to children forced to endure pain and suffering, and wish from that the bottom of our hearts that we can aid them in finding a future where they can greet each day with a smile.
CyberConnect2 Co., Ltd.
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